摘 要:国产情景喜剧《爱情公寓》自开播以来就引爆收视高潮,并凭借充满网络特色的语言以及对美剧的借鉴而迅速走红,被称为中国版《老友记》,但与此同时也引发了广大观众对其抄袭美剧的质疑。《爱情公寓》除模仿之外,更有剧情顺应时代潮流、角色设定更加关注现实、剧本台词风格本土化等创新之处,激发了我们对国产情景喜剧未来发展的信心。
Abstract: Domestic sitcom Ipartment since the launch has detonated ratings climax, and by virtue of the language as well as full featured network drama reference to the United States and quickly became popular, known as the Chinese version of Friends, but at the same time also led to a broad audience its plagiarism drama questioned. Ipartment in addition to imitate, plot is more conform to the trend of the times, character set to pay more attention to reality, the script lines of his creation style localization and so on, can trigger our confidence for future development of domestic sitcom.
Key words: domestic sitcom; Ipartment; Imitation; innovation
《爱情公寓》的成功为我国国产情景喜剧迎来新的发展期。“可是,我们的国产情景喜剧在产业链的建构和把握运用上却不尽如人意。投资制作构成、系统运作、整合营销、要素掌控与成本控制等,大多处于摸索阶段,连业内做得较好的领先者也不例外。我们现在的国产情景喜剧基本上是小作坊式的制作,规模不整,局限性大,资金短缺,专业程度低,产量小,质量差,直接影响收视率。强势电台也因此有了理由挤压其生存空间,造成这一剧种在观众间影响范围狭窄的状况,而影响力小直接导致投资力度变小,因此形成恶性循环。” [1](P116)而《爱情公寓》凭借充满网络特色的语言以及对美剧的借鉴而迅速走红,被称为中国版《老友记》,但与此同时也引发了广大观众对其抄袭美剧的质疑。接下来就《爱情公寓》中存在的模仿以及创新作简要分析。