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Abstract: China education since ancient times has been the state affects the people's livelihood event.With the development of society,the current Chinese education has increasingly exposed shortcomings.These problems are mainly manifested in the  envision ability of the students was killed.Students are not allowed to tell the truth.Too much emphasis on theoretical knowledge, while ignoring the cultivation of practical ability.There are too many subjects and too many exams for students;All kinds of  lessons in an endless stream ,the students are very tired.The so-called "main"subjects take many "extras"subjects time; and because of the students' learning pressure, causing the terrible interpersonal relationships.Various tragedies have occurred from time to time.In view of this situation,the author also proposed own ponder ,these thoughts and ideas will be connected to many people of insight work together  to promote the constant developent of the China education.

Key words: China education;students;problem

