关键词 演唱分析;“斗牛士之歌”;艺术特征;特点分析
Abstract: “Toreador Song” is a famous classic aria of the opera "Carmen". This thesis analyses the singing techniques of this part by combining the harmony, modal tonality, musical structure and other musical elements in order to explain the importance of the music analysis in vocal music performance through my own research and experience on singing, as well as to seek to reveal the characteristics of singing this song. I wish that this article can help more or less singers to understand how to interpret better this piece. Keywords: Singing analysis; “Toreador Song ”; Artistic features; Characteristics analysis
十九世纪浪漫时期中叶的一部鼎盛之作---《Carmen》中文译为《卡门》是作曲家乔治•比才(Georges Bizet,1838-1875)根据法国作家梅里美的代表作传世风靡小说《卡门》而改编的。《卡门》是一部世间少有的力作,不仅受到贵族的热捧,更受到数以千计人为之倾倒。及受到公众的赞扬,也受到广泛音乐家的称颂。是至今为止世界上演率最高的作品之一。