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摘 要:小学音乐教育是整个音乐教育的基础阶段,是实施美育的重要手段和途径,是小学必修课程之一。音乐教育对于小学生智力的启迪,人格的塑造,想象力、创造力的培养等都有着独有的作用。调研发现,农村学校的音乐教育未得到应有的重视和发展。我国农村人口占全国总人数的80%,其人口素质的高低直接影响着国家的人口素质。新的教育理念提出要以培养人的综合素质为目标,为现代社会培养所需要的复合型人才,而音乐教育的独特功能是其他学科所不能替代的。面对农村中小学音乐的现状与问题,笔者在实地调查的基础上提出了一些观点,以期对音乐教育的发展有所作为。

关键词:乡村小学;音乐教育; 现状与解决方案; 教师;学生


Abstract:Primary school music as the foundation of music education is important as a means of promoting aesthetic education. It is therefore one of the required courses in elementary schools in China.Music education enhances intellectual enlightenment and creativity and cultivates the imagination. Hence, it has a unique role in the elementary school curriculum.  Research has concluded that music education in rural schools has historically not received the attention it deserved and the result is a lack of development as a major part of the elementary school curriculum. 

    China’s rural population accounts for 80% of the total population and consequently a very large number of students are affected by this situation. The new philosophy of education promotes a curriculum that encourages and supports an appreciation of the complex talents required to function in a modern and ever changing global society. The unique features of music education can not be substituted by other disciplines. In view of the identified problems in rural primary and secondary music education, the author of this study attempts to provide some practical recommendations to promote the development of music education and ultimately result in positive outcomes for the elementary school curriculum.

Keywords: primary schools in Rural area ; Music education ; Status and solutions; Teachers;students