关键词: 低温储罐 结构设计 开孔 强度计
Abstract:Cryogenic liquid storage tank is a kind of special storage and supply of cryogenic liquefied gas jacketed vacuum insulated pressure vessel. In industrial production and daily life, it has been widely used. The aim of this paper is to carry out a research on the design of cryogenic liquid storage tank, take 21 stere liquid ethylene storage tank as an example, specific analysis of the current situation and development prospect of low-temperature storage tank. and discusses material selection in the design of low temperature storage device,which mainly includes Cylinder, head,steel and insulation material selection. then studies the design of tank structure, which includes a container shape, cylinder head of inner / outer. Finally, according to the process of design, equipment structure of design, strength calculation and checking of the sequence, storage tank barrel body, head, harness, safety valve, opening reinforcement are designed. Low job security problem is very important, On equipment installation and maintenance this article are introduced in detail.
The design results meet the factory requirements, safety, economy and environmental protection requirements are eligible.
Key words: Cryogenic liquid storage tank structure design opening strength calculation