摘 要:自动添煤机的研究具有很大的实用价值,特别是对于一些栽种烤烟比较多的农户,这不仅节省了添煤的时间还可以提高烤烟的烘烤质量,间接的增加农民的收入,有利于农业的生产。虽然现在国内市场上也有类似的添煤机,比如上海森林印务有限公司;朱焕忠;赵 东发明的烤烟机自动加煤装置。对于我们家乡的农户来说家是有点大材小用,因为一般我们农村的烤烟房都是小型的不需要很大,太大了反而不适用。鉴于上述原因,设计一种小型的自动添煤机就很有必要,本文设计的主要内容如下:
第1章 首先介绍了本设计的选题目的及意义,阐述了自动添煤机的发展状况。然后根据添煤的过程,分析了可行的工作原理,并根据相关的工作原理设计出框架结构。
第2章 对系统功能进行描述,对功能进行分解,自动添煤机系统模块分解,最终求解得出系统设计方案并作出总布局图。
第3章 是本设计的主体部分。根据社会实践调查确定合理可行的设计要求参数,根据设计参数要求对每一个模块进行详细的设计。包括PLC自动控制系统设计,弹簧的设计,原动机的选择设计、带轮、半凸轮机构的选型与计算。
第4章 对本次设计进行总结,简要说明本设计的优点和不足,并提出进一步研究的设想。
ABSTRACT:Automatic Tim coal research has great practical value, especially for some of the relatively large number of farmers planting tobacco, which not only saves time coals can also improve the quality of tobacco baking, indirect, increase farmers' income, is conducive to agricultural production. Although the domestic market has a similar coals machine, such as Shanghai forest Printing Co., Ltd.; Zhuhuan Zhong; Zhao invention tobacco automatic stoker unit. For our hometown farmers, home is a bit of overkill, because generally we are a small rural house unwanted tobacco great too but does not apply. For these reasons, the design automatically add a small coal is very necessary, we design the main contents are as follows:
Description of the system function, the function decomposition automatically add the module decomposition of the coal feeder system, eventually Solving for system design and make the total layout.
The design of the main body portion. According to the social practice survey to determine a reasonable and feasible design requirements detailed design parameters, design parameters for each module. Including PLC automatic control system design, the design of the spring, the selection and design of the prime mover, pulley, semi-cam mechanism Selection and calculation.
Summary of the design, a brief description of the strengths and weaknesses of the design, and put forward the idea of ??further study.
Keywords: automatic coals; system design; automatically coals;