关键词:色彩光线、室内空间设计、色彩配置、色系、 明度
ABSTRACT:Integrated color effect on the colors in other interior design application and configuration methods are discussed, pointing out that the color is most commonly used in interior design, most effects performance techniques. The first explores the color in the interior design of the prominent role, which includes the optimization of indoor space environment, to reconcile the interior space color, light on the interior space environment. Then explore the color in the interior design in the use of space, including the colors for different ages use different functions in interior design and use of color. Finally, we discuss the configuration of color in interior space, which includes the same color scheme of the Act, similar to the color scheme of the Act and the color contrast collocation method. In the interior design color if used properly, can play a rich interior styling, highlighting the role of functions, and can not fully reflect the social space within the same taste.
Keywords:color; interior design; color scheme; light; rays