关键词:日本文化 餐饮空间 禅意设计
ABSTRACT:Restaurant space design is one important territory in modern design, which is also one indispensable part in architectural decoration design. With the improvement of Chinese life standard, the peoples in China also chase more materials. The people’s requirements of appreciating beauty have added. And now, the seller and costumer’s pursuits not only are limited to taste, but also begin to enjoy all aspects of restaurant. Peoples’ standard of restaurant space design is becoming hasher and harsher. The growing design creativity makes ecological design, theme design and other mainstream idea of designs integrate into restaurant space design, which let me associate them with Japanese restaurant space design. Japanese restaurant space design gives in enough attention on details and tradition, which owns natural, elegant, quiet and concise style. And this style try to close to people’s daily life and this must bring comfort to people. This kind of style depends on an eastern traditional idea: the harmony between human and nature, the unity of spirit and nature. In Japanese style, the thickness of the line is clear reflecting the beauty of lines, which makes the whole design looks like a landscape painting. A good cooker may say that food can reflect a nation’s culture and show a territory’s distinguishing features. And the Japanese food is a good example to show this. Restaurant space design makes people understand food more deeply. So the harmony between restaurant space design and the food offering in restaurant is very significant. This passage chiefly introduces and analyses the tendency of modern restaurant space design, which will be shown in mainly 5 parts materials, lights, colors, space and soft loading. By this way, Japanese ZEN design will be sisterly elaborated and analyzed.
Key word: Restaurant design ZEN design Japanese culture Ecology design