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Abstract:As the crystallization of human wisdom, the packaging exudes its unique artistic charm. In history, the packaging not only play a role in the dissemination of cultural characteristics, but also enrich its own form of expression, and promote the continuous development of human civilization. With the continuous improvement of living standards and spiritual civilization, gift packaging more and more attention, which makes gift wrap in the form of more and more complicated and diverse, but which mixed fish heads, and many others. In today's technological progress and globalization of information, our traditional culture is suffering from a serious impact on, traditions are increasingly dilute the face of this phenomenon, starting from the culture of the traditional cultural elements, focusing on the modern gift wrap design of the times characteristics, to explore new creative, to explore the national cultural characteristics of accumulation in the traditional culture, to enrich the connotation of the gift packaging.

Key Words:Tradition Culture Element, Epochal character, Gift package.