Abstract:This article introduce the concept of a neutral fashion style and its origins at first, and then analysis the charm of the neutral style and soft style in the fashion design, after the above analysis neutral style and soft style when they were used in the brand at home and abroad, and further integration of the two modern clothing design in the past made, in order to how to make neutral and soft design elements together into a better modern fashion design. The neutral is no significant gender-specific, applicable to both men and women clothing, hair style, etc., neutral trend has been the fashion of the classic, elegant, sexy, neutral, neutral with the soft integration, it is no exaggeration to say that , if the freedom to grasp this style, you will have unusual fashion style. Study their relationship to each other, get unusual fashion style is the significance of this issue.
Key Words:Neutral style, Soft style,Fusion,Style.
“伟大的心灵总是雌雄同体的。”也许正如伍尔夫所说,中性的力量让你看世界是方式更为整体和开阔,女性的细密柔美,男子的硬朗大气,两者比例的适当调和早就一个独一无二的你。 柔美蕾丝、梦幻粉色,充满男性气概的工装似乎毫无牵连。但实际,刚硬与柔美结合,反而营造出与众不同的傲气。