摘 要:结合目前全社会所面对的能源紧张问题和响应节能建筑的号召,本文提出了一种新型的空气处理机组——全热交换能量回收型全新风机组。该新风机组研发的目的在于回收空调排风的余热量,尽可能地减少空调在处理新风上的能源消耗;同时达到人们对空调室内空气质量提出的高标准、高要求。
Abstract:Combining society's energy crisis and response of energy-saving building's call, this paper puts forward a new kind of air handling units —— the entire heat recovery fresh air handling unit. This research aims to fresh air unit of recycling air conditioning wind over heat, as far as possible to reduce air conditioning in dealing with the fresh air on energy consumption; and satisfy people in that claim air conditioning indoor air quality is high standard, high demand.
This paper expounds the recyclable heat energy smoke-expelling unit work principle, analyzes the fresh air unit has such as ventilated take a breath, energy recovery, filtered and so on various characteristics; Through two papers, analysis of the part of the preamp all the best point heat energy recovery is cold climates of winter, and climate region of south in Guangzhou as an example, the refrigeration area accounts for the strong regional, the greater the heat recovery of fresh energy saving effect all the more notable.
In a given fresh air parameters and the basis of the conditions of the fresh air volume, to refer to different references, the thermodynamic calculation, and choose the right compressor types, to the design of condenser, evaporator and checking of relevant work; while basic design work is completed, start other relevant accessory equipment such as: the throttle device, oil separator, such as selection of gas-liquid separator; Finally, the author of the state only change outdoor air to analyze this fresh air unit of the variable into wind conditions, that the adaptability of fresh air unit appropriate operation scope, found that it had some limitations; Puts forward unit in layout, operation and control requirements.
Keyword: heat recovery, fresh air handling unit, design and control