摘要:上市公司要求的财务信息披露,是高度发达的市场经济下所有权与经营权分离的必然结果,在两权分离后,由于企业的外部利益集团并不直接参与企业的经营管理活动,因此他们只有通过解读公司对外披露的财务信息来了解企业的财务状况,而要想更加深入的了解那些蕴含在数字背后的信息,就要对财务信息特别是财务报表数字进行进一步全面深入的分析。虽然财务报表能提供很多财务信息,但是由于其自身存在的局限性及生成过程中人为主观因素的影响,使其真实性客观性受到一定的影响,那么对这样的报表分析所得到的结论也会收到影响。 本文先阐述了财务报表分析的背景并对深圳发展银行财务报表的案例进行了详细的分析解读,文中根据深圳发展银行对外公布的财务数据及其他相关内容,围绕该公司的相关财务比率及主要数据展开分析,进行了纵向和横向双方面的对比,通过分析比较了解了该企业各方面的财务状况及其近年来的发趋势和在同业中的竞争地位,这些分析的结果都可以从不同的角度给财务报表的使用者提供参考。
关键词: 上市公司 财务报表 深圳发展银行
Abstract:In the highly developed market economic environment,the separation of the company ownership and the management require the listed company reveal financialinformation.Because the outside profit groups ale not involve in the companyoperation,only by using financial information revealed by company,can they learncompany financial condition.They must analyze financial information especially the data in the Financial Statements when they want to know Inore information.Although the Financial Statements can provide much information.they have limitswhiela We know.The limits affect the conclusion ofstatements analysis.
At first,this paper states the background of analysis of the Financial Statements.And then,the author Introduction some ways of statement analysis and analyzes the Financial Statements of Shenzhen development bank Limited Corporation by using the ways.The author analyzes and compares the linaneial rate and statements in terms of the financial information revealed by Shenzhen development bank.The results of these analyzes can provide a reference to the users of financial statements from different angles.
Key words:public company;Shenzhen development bank;financial statement