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  • 更新时间:2013-09-19
  • 论文字数:10031
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 论文范例 > 财务管理 >
  • 课题来源:(陈老师)提供原创文章






Abstract:The issue of tax burden has been one of the most sensitive and sharpest issues concerning our national interest and people's livelihood. It is not only the core elements of tax policy and tax system of one country but also in close relation to the nationally economic growth and social stability. In recent years, the tax revenues of our country have made great progress which arouses unprecedented attention to tax burden among our people.

   On the basis of the data showed in Forbes, the tax burden of china became the second-largest in the world in 2005. China continued to be the most serious taxation country among Asian Economies and ranked third globally according to the published data of Forbes in 2007. Forbes latest tax pain index announced in 2009 showed that the tax pain index of china is 159 and ranked second among the 65 announced courtiers. China government must pay highly attention to the index that continuously released in Forbes. Whereas Chinese government questioned the issue of heavy tax burden in China. Zhan bin, director of tax Research Office of Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, Chinese Academy of social Sciences pointed out that the tax pain index is a poor scientific algorithm which had several material weaknesses on reflecting the high and low level of tax burden. This dissertation will analysis the issue of Chinese tax burden in many ways.

Key Words:Tax burden, Welfare, The right to levy, Economic dist

