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  • 更新时间:2013-10-13
  • 论文字数:10337
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  • 课题来源:(我的男朋友)提供原创文章





Abstract:Along with our country socialist market economy system establishment and continue to develop, the domestic enterprise income tax law is also constantly modified, January 1, 2008 because the new enterprise income tax law implementation, this enterprise income tax, and the train of thought and method has changed very greatly. Enterprise income tax is second only to a big VAT tax, the income tax of pay tax to plan and occupy quite important place, so how to tax planning for income tax for companies to have the important meaning. In this paper, we will write new enterprise income tax law of major changes, and with the old tax law for relevant contrast, puts forward the new enterprise income tax law of tax plans measures under way and, in the end, this paper expounds the enterprise tax planning in the process should be set up risk awareness, earnest analysis of various may lead to risk factor, actively take effective measures.

Key Words:The new tax law,Tax Planning,method,risk,prevent


   新《企业所得税法》的颁布实施,为企业的经营管理和财务管理工作带来了新的机遇和挑战。企业所得税是以企业年度应纳税所得额为征税对象的一种税,它与企业的经济利益息息相关,所以对企业所得税进行纳税筹划具有重要意义。纳税筹划是一个企业走向成熟、理性的标志,是一个企业纳税意识不断增强的表现,它是一项专业性很强的工作,筹划人在纳税筹划过程中,只有在熟知我国新所得税法的前提下, 时刻对国家的税收政策法规进行更新学习和了解,掌握最新的税务信息和政策法规,做到正确运用纳税筹划的方法,并且熟悉企业内外部多种因素的影响和制约,筹划人才能制定属于它的工作计划和方法。同时还要树立在纳税筹划过程中的风险意识,认真分析各种可能导致风险的因素,从而快速采取有效的方法措施,预防和减少风险,才能真正取得纳税筹划的成功,实现企业的利益最大化。另外,企业还应当加强与税务机关的协调与沟通,与它建立协调融洽、诚实互动的税企关系。