关键词:安全行为学 事故树 预先危险性分析 人的不安全行为
ABSTRACT:The production of the oil industry because of their high risk coefficient and liquidity characteristics, whether it is in the period of traditional security management or the introduction of advanced security technology management tools now, has been difficult to get rid of the troubles of the security incidents. Many accidents are caused by unsafe acts and unsafe condition of the substance. In order to avoid the occurrence of industrial accidents, regulate and control human behavior is the key to security work.
In this paper, the analysis Preliminary Hazard Analysis and Fault Tree qualitative analysis of unsafe behavior in the oil industry accidents draw the relationship between unsafe behavior and accidents. Then, according to the results of the Preliminary Hazard Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis, combined with the safe behavior science discussion and research, to draw groups of safe behavior of the accident, and the oil companies make a reasonable safety management and control measures to reduce human safety accidents.
Keywords: Security Behavior; Fault Tree Analysis; Preliminary Hazard Analysis; Human unsafe behavior