摘要:本设计是二十二层住宅的建筑给排水工程设计,主要包括建筑给水系统、建筑排水系统、建筑消防系统、建筑热水系统。建筑给水系统采用分区供水,一到四层为低区,由市政管网直接供水;五层到十三层为中区,十四层到二十二层为高区,用水泵水箱联合供水。建筑排水系统:卫生间采用污、废水分流制,厨房采用废水单独排放,底层单独排水,卫生间的污水经化粪池处理后排入市政排水管网,厨房及卫生间的废水直接排入市政排水管网,废水排水立管仅设伸顶通气立管,污水排水立管设通气立管,为双立管排水系统。管材采用塑料管。建筑消防系统主要采用室内消火栓系统,火灾初期10min 消防用水量由屋顶消防水箱供给,消防水箱的水由消防水泵从消防水池抽取;10min后的启动消防水泵,从消防水池抽水供消火栓使用,水池的有效容积为300 立方米。地下室及电梯前室设自动喷水灭火系统,自动喷水灭火系统采用湿式自动喷水灭火系统。消火栓系统和自动喷水灭火系统均采用钢管。建筑热水系统采用开式机械循环系统,热水的分区系统同冷水系统;采用集中热水供应,热源来自市政热媒管网(0.20MPa),下区的水加热器由市政管网直接供水,采用下行上给的给水方式;中区和高区的水加热器由高位水箱供水,均采用上行下给的给水方式。
关键词 高层建筑;给水系统;排水系统;消防系统;热水系统
Abstract: This design is 22 residences building water supply of engineering design, mainly including building water supply system, construction drainage system, building fire system, building hot water system. Building water supply system using zoning water supply, one to 4 layer for low area by the municipal water supply pipe directly; Five layers to 13 layer for central, 14 to 22 layer for high layer area, with water pump water tank joint water supply. Building drainage system: toilet USES corrupt, waste water should be made, the kitchen used wastewater discharge alone, ground floor separate drainage, toilet of sewage treatment by the septic tank back into the municipal drainage pipelines, kitchen and toilet of wastewater straight into municipal drainage pipelines, waste water drainage stand pipe set out only top ventilation stand pipe, water drainage stand pipe set ventilation stand pipe, for double the stand pipe drainage system. The plastic pipe pipe. Building fire system mainly adopts laboratory fire hydrant system, fire 10 min fire water consumption early by fire water tank roof supply, fire protection water tank of water from the fire by fire pump pool extraction; After 10 min fire start fire pump, water from the fire hydrant use for pool, pool of effective volume of 304 cubic meters. The basement set automatic sprinkler system. Fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system is using steel tube. Building hot water system USES open type mechanical circulation system, a division system of hot water with cold water system; The focus on hot water supply, heat source from the municipal HTM pipeline network (0.20 MPa), water heater municipal pipeline network under the direct water supply, water heater central and high by high water tank water supply.
Keywords High-rise buildings Water supply Drainage Fire Hot water