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摘要:本课题根据《GB/T7725-2004房间空调器》要求,为某空调器生产厂家建设完成制冷量适用范围为2350W~12000W的房间空调器检测设备,用以检测机组的各性能参数,并最终计算得到机组的COP值。本文探讨了采用焓差法测定空调器制冷或制热量的试验装置的布置设计,对空调器焓差法试验室的主要部件: 试验室围护结构、室内侧空气再调节机组、室外侧空气再调节机组以及风量测量装置。在设计过程中, 利用其理论计算结果, 结合实际要求, 选择各部件的配置量。


我国目前的能源现状要求空调行业把节能放在重要位置,坚持节能环保并重的和谐发展道路。为此降低能耗、开发高性价比的新型节能产品, 成为制冷空调企业面临的严峻考验, 而如何正确评价和测量新产品节能效果, 提高检测技术, 则为当前迫切需要解决的重要课题。房间空调器性能试验系统设计的合理与否,测试精度的高低与否,将影响空调器性能的准确测定。本课题即为测试空调性能的焓差实验室设计。

关键词:焓差法,设计,选型,空调器, 实验室


Abstract:According to the requirement of Room Air Conditioners(GB/T7725-2004),the monitoring device of room air conditioners in the range of 2350W~12000W for the air conditioning unit manufacture was constructed to measure the performance parameters of unit and calculate COP of the uint finally. The paper describes design of the experiment device which using enthalpy different method to determine ref rigerating capacity or heating capacity of air conditioners.For the main components of Air Conditioner enthalpy difference laboratory: Laboratory building envelope, interior side of the air conditioning units, outside the room of air conditioning units and air flow measurement device. In the design process, the use of their theoretical results, combined with practical requirements, select the configuration of the amount of each component.

   Performance parameters of refrigeration and air conditioning products are constituted by The main parameters for exemple Cooling capacity, cooling capacity, cooling rate, coefficient of performance, power and energy than the input and so on. All most of the test of The parameters Can not be measured directly. Artificial environment must be in steady state, the first measurement of some relevant physical quantities of these parameters, and then by calculation, the test results obtained only indirectly. Room air conditioner's cooling, heating capacity can use the room-type calorimeter or the air enthalpy method for measurement and calculation. Air enthalpy method is a performance test method that measuring the import and export of air conditioners air enthalpy air flow and circulation, in order to determine the air conditioner's cooling capacity. This method has the advantages of rapidly, convenient, low investment, and the Precision can meet the production requirements. It is the national standard test methods commonly used. Currently, this test method is widely used in air conditioning manufacturers and part of the technology sector.

But the design and layout of Enthalpy difference test bed, According to the test equipment, sites, specific experimental conditions, the different approach taken is not the same. whether the test equipment design and layout is reasonable or not may also directly affect the accuracy of experimental test. We mainly discuss about the design layout and the use of the cooling capacity of 2350W~12000W of the air conditioner Enthalpy Difference test device.

China's current energy situation requires air conditioning industry to put the energy in an important position and both adhere to the harmonious development of energy-saving path .So the reduce of energy consumption, the development of new cost-effective energy-saving products become severe tests to Refrigeration and air conditioning enterprises . How to evaluate and measure the energy efficiency of new products and improve the detection technology become urgent need to address the important issue. Whether room air conditioner performance test system design is reasonable or not, and the level of precision is reasonable or not, Will affect the accurate determination of air conditioner performance. The issue is the design of the air conditioning performance of the enthalpy difference testing laboratory.

Key Words: Method Of Enthalpy Difference, Design, Selection,air conditioner ,lab