摘 要:IDC(Internet Data Center)即互联网数据中心。它是伴随着互联网不断发展的需求而迅速发展起来的,已成为了互联网产业中不可或缺的重要一环。它为互联网内容提供商(ICP)、企业、媒体和各类网站提供大规模、高质量、安全可靠的专业化服务器托管、空间租用、网络批发带宽以及ASP、EC等业务。
关键字:IDC 机房空调 精确送风 热密度
ABSTRACT:IDC means internet data center, it developed rapidly with the growing demand of internet. And it has become one of the most essential parts of the internet industry. It provides large-scale、high quality、safe and reliable services of professional server hosting、space rental、wholesale broadband network、ASP and EC for ICP、Enterprises、mass media and various web sites.
As the integration level of the communication equipment is increasing day by day, the power density of the equipment room in the machine room is increasing too. It is common to see that every unit consumes 3~4kw. The heat given off by the equipment is growing too. The professional air conditioning units take the traditional approach of cold the equipment after the environment, which can’t meet the requirement of power room and can't avoid the emergence of the overheated zone ,meanwhile, it waste a lot of power.
The experts in air-conditioning industry had put forward the concept of fixed-point precise ventilating on the basis of analysis and evaluation to settle the problems efficiently.
This paper has made a comprehensive exposition and discussion from the perspective of the conception of fixed-point precise ventilating, implement and evaluation.
Once the IDC has finished the process of fixed-point precise ventilating and rebuilt the precise ventilating, the transformation efficiency will be considerable in many respects. Firstly, we could solve the problem of local overheating directly through the rebuilt of precise ventilating. Secondly, the thermal environment will be improved after the rebuilt of precise ventilating and then we could enlarge the equipment capacity and improve its utilization. Lastly, also the most intuitive performance is its energy efficiency. If we take the method of precise ventilating, the energy consumption will be reduced remarkably.