摘要:高校食堂服务在高校中处于基础性的保障地位,其服务对象主要是在校大学生,其服务质量的高低直接影响到学校的稳定,影响到学校教学科研工作的正常开展。所以,如何提升在校学生对食堂服务的满意度,就显得尤为重要。通过对XX大学在校学生对食堂服务的满意度进行调查,然后通过SPSS 19.0进行进一步的数据分析,从而得出了现今在校学生对食堂服务满意度现状。总体上XX大学学生对食堂服务的满意度平均值在3.16上下,也就是说常大学生对食堂服务的满意度是在一个中等水平上。检验了不同人口变量上服务满意度的差异,并针对现阶段在校生对食堂服务满意度的真实情况,提出了一些可以提升他们满意度的相关建议和意见,了解影响现阶段学生对食堂服务满意度的影响因素,制定切实可行的办法,提升食堂服务满意度水平。
Abstract:Colleges and universities food service, mainly serving the college students, plays an important security role in Colleges and universities operating. The Quality of service has a great impact on the stability of the school, daily work of teaching and scientific research. Thus, it is essential to improve the satisfaction of the students canteen services.Changzhou University through a number of students of the satisfaction survey, and then through the SPSS 19.0 for further data analysis to arrive at the present the status of the customer satisfaction. Changzhou University of the average customer satisfaction levels at 3.16, meaning that students in Changzhou University customer satisfaction is at an intermediate level. Different demographic variables examined differences in customer satisfaction, and food serve institutions for customer satisfaction at the present stage of the real situation, which can increase their satisfaction, recommendations and opinions related to the purpose of this stage is to understand the impact of the school students satisfaction factors, they can also through a number of practical ways to improve their satisfaction.
Key words:Students` Canteen of Universities & Colleges; Customer Satisfaction; Influence Factors