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摘要:现今的北京,经济飞速发展,外来打工子弟为城市的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。但伴随着大量打工子弟进城赚钱的现象产生,打工子弟就学问题随之而来。父母工作地点的流动性造成了他们生活的流动性,随时面临各处辗转的状况;家庭教育不够饱满,使正处于心理发育期的他们很可能建立不健全的世界观和人生观。打工子弟的义务教育是否完善,关系到我市教育建设基础是否牢固,关系到城市未来发展是否稳定和谐,关系到打工子弟及其家庭的命运及前程。     本论文旨在研究北京市现阶段打工子弟学校现状,并对其进行分析,发现造成现状的原因,并面对种种问题提出一些解决对策。本论文从经济学、社会学、人口学、教育学、文化学、环境学等多个学科的角度,对打工子弟接受义务教育问题作了全方位的专门研究。打工子弟学校存在的问题是本论文深入打工子弟接受义务教育问题的切入点,它以打工子弟接受学校义务教育研究为主,但也对其家庭教育、社会教育等问题做了较为深入的探讨。

关键词:打工子弟  学校  义务教育


Abstract:In Beijing today, the economy is the rapid development of foreign children of migrant workers has made ​​an indelible contribution to the development of the city. But accompanied by a large number of children of migrant workers into the city to make money to produce children of migrant workers children of schooling attendant. Mobility of the parents' workplace caused the liquidity of their lives, faced with the situation throughout was removed at any time; family education is not full, is in a period of psychological development, they are likely to establish a sound world view and outlook on life. Compulsory education of children of migrant children is perfect, relationship to the city's Educational Construction of foundation is solid, the relationship to the city of the future development of stable and harmonious relationship to the children and their families of the children of migrant workers, the fate and future.      This thesis is to study the status quo of Beijing at this stage the migrant children's school, and found the cause of the status quo, and the face of these problems to propose some solutions. In this thesis, from the perspective of economics, sociology, demography, education, cultural studies, environmental science and other disciplines, migrant children receive compulsory education made ​​a full range of specialized research. The problems of migrant children schools is the entry point of the paper in-depth children of migrant workers children of compulsory education to children of migrant workers' children receive school compulsory education, research-based, but their family education, social education, to do a more in-depth explore.    Key words: migrant children schools   compulsory education