摘要:糙米粉经过糊化后酶解、离心后取其上清液得米汤。桑叶粉、枇杷叶粉经冲泡后离心得茶汤。然后将米汤和茶汤以一定比例混合,并添加一定的配料而研制成一种既营养又符合消费者口味的健康饮料。实验结果表明,桑叶粉(g)枇杷叶粉(g)比为1:1,茶(g)水(mL)比为1∶30,米(g)水(mL)比为1∶10 时,茶汤和米汤以1∶15混合,并添加0.02%的CMC- Na,0.02%的柠檬酸,0.1%的甜蜜素制备的饮料口感细腻润滑,入口圆润滋美,酸甜可口,回味清甜,茶香米香协调,色泽橙黄。
Abstract:Coarse rice powder was gelatinized, enzymatic hydrolyzed twice, and then centrifuged to make rice water. Mulberry leaf powder and loquat leaf powder were mixed with water, and then centrifuged to make tea brew. The tea brew and rice water were mixed in a certain proportion. Several kinds of addictives were added into the mixture drink. The results indicated that the mulberry leaf powder(g) and loquat leaf powder(g) was 1:1,that of the optimal proportion of tea (g) and water (mL) was 1∶30, that of rice (g) and water (mL) was 1∶10, that of tea brew and rice water was 1∶15. CMC - Na was added to the concentration of 0.2%, citric was added to 0.02% and Sodium Cyclamate acid was added to 0.1 %. The taste of this drink was delicious. The taste and perfume of tea and unpolished rice were harmonious. The color of the drink was orange yellow.
Key words:Coarse rice powder; Mulberry leaf powder; loquat leaf powder; Com pound beverage