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[摘要] 同性恋是处在一个被边缘化的群体,它是游离在主流文化之外的亚文化,不被大多人所接受。在世俗中,它被人认为是丑恶的、病态的。而今,随着科学经济的发展,时代的不断进步,在同性恋这一群体的不断努力下人们对同性恋的看法也在不断深入,他们不再是仅注重于表面,也会对其进行更深层次的探讨。大学生是我们的未来,他们接受的是高等教育,因而大学生对同性恋的看法会更加新颖,尤其是大学生同性恋群体,他们对同性恋的看法会比较独特,也是最符合他们现阶段的特点的。因此,本研究主要是以大学生为研究对象,其中包括大学生同性恋,通过问卷调查和个案访谈为主要的研究方法开展研究。

[关键词] 大学生  同性恋  成因  认知  态度  影响 


[Abstract]  Homosexuality is a group of being marginalized, it is a subculture dissociating from mainstream culture, which cannot be accepted by most people. In common customs, it is considered to be ugly and morbid. Nowadays, with the development of science and economy as well as the constant progress of times, in continuous efforts of homosexuality groups, people’s views of homosexuality are also in ceaseless development. People now carry on a deeper discussion rather than paying attention to the surface. College students are our future, since they accept higher education; their views on homosexuality may be more unusual, especially students of homosexual groups. Their view on homosexuality will be unique and most consistent with their current features. Therefore, this study takes college students as object, which includes those homosexual, to carry out research through questionnaire survey and case interview. 

[Keywords]  college student  homosexuality  cause  perception  attitude  effect