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ABSTRACT:This paper taking Jiangchuan participating in after-school sports training of students as the research object, goal orientation theory as the background, using the method of documentary, questionnaire, teaching experiment, mathematical analysis, the Egawa Ichi of students in after-school sports training to carry out investigation and analysis, analysis of task and ego orientation on sports college entrance examination dynamic behavior and the performance of life.According to the scientific training way and method, so that the further development of high school extracurricular sports training countermeasures and suggestions.The experimental results show that: 1) the task oriented group students in training to the positive, active and ideal of developing personal skills, can be very good to recognize ourselves and establish performance standards, ego orientation group students in training a difficulty on the performance for negative, weak and poor target state; 2) task orientation, ego orientation groups of students in experiment results there are significant differences (P<0.05), task orientation ego orientation scores slightly higher than that of group, after the experiment, because of the self directed group of students play is not stable, two groups have no significant difference in performance comparison.

Key words: goal orientation;sports high examinee ;sports achievement