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摘  要:虹影作为享誉世界文坛的华文作家,但是她在中国大陆文坛上的地位却是处于中间位置。她善于描写边缘人性, 从容不迫地游走于东西方文化的边缘。她的小说以独特的女性视角, 用绚丽的文辞表现了边缘人千疮百孔的生命体验, 字里行间无不体现着女性意识和边缘情结。本课题主要是通过解读当代女作家虹影的作品中关于边缘人的生存状态的叙述以及他们的情感追求,探求虹影自身的“边缘情结”以及分析形成边缘情结的原因,分析虹影作品的边缘性特质以及文学史意义,从而唤起人们对虹影的关注以及对边缘人的关怀。

关键词:虹影  边缘人  边缘情结


ABSTRACT:Hong ying as a world-renowned literary writer, but she is in the middle position in the literary world in China. She is good at describing edge of human nature, leisurely walk in the eastern edge of the western culture. Her novels in a unique female perspective, with colorful flowery language represents the edge of the holes of the human life experience, is embodies the female consciousness and the edge of the complex. This topic is mainly through reading of contemporary female writer paper work about the margin account of people's survival state and their emotional pursuit, explore the edge "complex" of paper itself, and analyses the reason of forming edge complex, marginal analysis paper works characteristics and significance of literary history, thus arouse the people to the paper, concern and care for the edge of the city people.

Keywords: Hong ying; edge of the people; edge complex