摘 要:近年来,我国高校不断扩招,毕业生人数逐年上升,大学生就业难问题日益突出,这已经成为社会共同关注的热点问题。受到自身、学校、社会、国家等诸多因素的影响,女大学生就业难问题更加严重,因此解决女大学生就业难问题也成为大学生就业工作的热点和难点。文章对女大学生就业难这一问题的现状进行了阐释,从女大学生自身、社会、高校、国家等方面来对造成女大学生就业难的原因进行剖析,并根据这些原因提出相应合理的解决措施,使女大学生就业难问题有所改善。
Abstract:Recently,with large-scale expansion of China's colleges and universities, the number of graduates in want of employment has been increased year by year.The employment difficulties among college students is a hot topic attracting widespread attention from the society.By themselves, school, society and country, and many other factors, the female students' employment problem is more serious.So solving the problem of female college students' employment has become the hotspot and difficulty of college students' employment.This paper analyses the actuality of the female students' employment.From the female college students themselves, society, colleges and country to analyses the causes of female college students' employment dificulties.And put forward the solutions to solve the female college students' employment according to these reasons.
Key Words: Female College Students; Employment; Reasons; Countermeasures