摘要:分销渠道是影响企业发展的重要因素之一,也是企业最重要的营销资产。影响分销渠道管理与发展的内外部环境处在 不断地变化之中,只有根据环境的变化,对分销渠道进行整合才能保证分销渠道发展的活力。
关键词: 分销渠道 汽车用品 渠道长度 渠道宽度 渠道评价
Abstract:Distribution channel is one of the most important factors for the development of enterprises, and also the most valuable distribution assets of enterprises. The internal and external environments that have influences on the management and development of the distribution channel are in constant change now. Only by the conformity of distribution channel can its vitality be ensured.
Based on the mater collecting and marketing surveying, the thesis analyzed the internal and external environment and channel members of the distribution channel of CARTEC by the methods and theories of distribution and economics. This thesis summarized some problems about the management of distribution, length of channel system and width of channel and so on in the CARTEC distribution channel. And based on these the conformity plan and advice to the CARTEC distribution channel were constructed.
The whole thesis consists of six parts. At the beginning, the paper gives a brief introduction to the background. Thereafter, the reviews the related theories and latest research of this area. At the third part, the paper analyzes length of the distribution channel of CARTEC and finger out the issues in it , then, the paper analyzed the width of distribution channel of CARTEC. At the fifth part, the paper makes evaluation of distribution channel designing and management of CARTEC. At last, the paper introduces suggests.
The research work is the first one that combines theoretic with practice, it is important to develop the distribution share and sale volume of CARTEC and it is also to develop the management level of CARTEC.
Keywords: Distribution channels Cars equipment Length of channel Width of channel Evaluation of channel