关键词: 建筑业 建筑施工企业 发展战略 战略实施 建筑企业战略
Abstract:From the perspective of architecture industry reform, the productivity level of architecture industry in developed area is further consolidated; structure adjustment of large and middle construction enterprises is thoroughly developed; development towards overseas construction market is very fast; the market levels and the region scope are optimized; the construction market, which principle parts are national key project construction, infrastructure construction, the real estate, the transportation sources construction, the modern manufacturing industry and the socialism new rural reconstruction, presents positive and healthy development.
As an important industry in our national economy, architecture industry has achieved amazing results. Numbers of hard top projects demonstrate how well we’ve performed in this field. But we still have some inevitable problems which need enhancement. Such as, from the point of industry structure, unreasonable industry structure, low market standard, excessive competition, incomplete credit system, imminent energy conservation, etc., from the aspect of enterprise structure, low leadership, deficient talented people, week risk control ability, etc.
Nantong Architecture Engineering Company Ltd, is one of the most professional construction enterprises in Nantong. It met the same problems which construction companies generally have to face. At the same time, the education background of the company staff is not good and the management consciousness is week. Therefore, the development strategy appears especially important, but its implementation surely is difficult.
Through the thorough analysis of the architecture industry at present, this article demonstrates its situation and the overall development tendency along with the external and internal environment. This article also conducts a complete research by qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, comparative analysis, baud five-factor model analysis and SWOT analysis. Based on the analysis above, combined with the case study of Nantong Architecture Engineering Company Ltd. and begin with enterprise strategy management, market penetration and project management, the article bring forward a set of effective strategies which suits the current actual status and the development in future of architecture industry.
Keywords: Architecture Industry, Construction Enterprise, Development Strategy, Strategy Implementation, Strategy of Construction Enterprise