摘 要
The present paper embarks from the connotation of research sports educational model, the utilization literature material law, the interview law, on the spot the method of inspection, the union questionnaire survey data, carries on the analysis to the Mengzi second middle school sports educational model, find the problems, and as the questions, chooses the appropriate sports educational model to the Mengzi second middle school to put forward the reasonable proposal and the reference. Makes concrete from the teacher teaching situation, the physical education teaching form, the teaching process and teaching method several aspects makes the analysis and puts forward the proposal by this. Unifies the Mengzi second middle school concrete situation to construct suits this school development the sports educational model, must rest on the adaptation time development idea and the goal which the education reform proposed, this topic conducts the research to the sports educational model, rests on the Mengzi second middle school study concrete teaching characteristic, suits this school development for the construction the sports educational model to put forward the reasonable proposal and the correlation reference.
Keywords: Mengzi second middle school; Educational model; Sports educational model