摘要 新一轮基础教育课程改革给课堂赋予了新的内涵,在新课程的理念下,教师应该重新审视课堂提问,合理创设好问题情境,设计课堂提问,通过提问促进课堂上的交流,发展学生的思维能力和解决问题的能力,使提问成为师生共同发现、理解和探究知识的重要途径。
关键词 化学教育 课堂提问 课堂情境 有效教学
Abstract The new basic education curriculum reform gives new meaning to the class teaching. Mind the concept of the new curriculum,teachers should re-examine the questioning , creat the reasonable situations and design the questioning. Teachers should promote exchanges in the classroom by asking questiontus to develop students’ ability of thinking and solving problems. So that asking questions become the important way that teachers and students to find, understand and explore the knowledge.
Keywords Chemistry education Questioning Classroom situation Effective teaching