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Abstract:The Scarlet Letter, which was published in 1850, is the most outstanding representative work of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who is a very famous American romantic novelist in the 19th century. This novel is well known for its deep main idea, rich imagination and special writing techniques of in its creation. 

   This paper will deal with Hester Prynne’s character in The Scarlet Letter by analyzing her words and deeds and her thoughts to indicate that she is a brave, determined, resistant, and independent woman who likes to pursue happiness, freedom and pure love. 

Key words: Hester Prynne, brave, resistant, independent


摘要:1850年出版的长篇小说《红字》是 19 世纪上半期美国著名浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑的代表作。这部小说思想深邃, 想象丰富, 表现手法独特,被公认是他最杰出的代表作。


   小说《红字》展示了女主人公海斯特·白兰勇敢,坚强,独立自主和敢于反抗的性格,刻画了一名敢于追求自由、幸福与纯洁爱情的女性 。

关键词:海斯特·白兰,勇敢,反抗, 独立


   The Scarlet Letter is the most understanding novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a famous American romantic novelist. It also can be considered as a great breakthrough during the history of American full-length novels because of its deep main idea, rich imagination and special techniques of writing. In The Scarlet Letter, the writer Nathaniel Hawthorne depicts a very complex and true woman, the main character Hester Prynne, who is a brave, determined, independent, and resistant woman. She has the courage to pursue happiness, freedom and pure love. Boston, for her, is an indifferent and strange place, and here, she is isolated and helpless. However, Hester learns obedience and she always tries her best to help others after the trial and what’s the most important is that she doesn’t bow her head to the Puritan power.