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Abstract:  A large number of scholars have studied the translation of the movie titles from the aspect of literal translation and free translation. But the author takes free translation as the main strategy because a film title is something like advertisement by which the film producer tries to sell his product for the commercial success. Based on the deduction, the paper proposes for three principles in translation and analyses their relatedness with free translation. 

Key Words: the translation of English movie titles; the principle of translation; free translation 


摘要 :大批的学者从直译和意译的角度对英文电影片名的翻译这一课题进行了相当广泛与深入的研究。但是作者把意译看作是主要的策略,因为电影片名是像广告一样的东西,电影制片商企图出售自己的产品以达到商业目的。基于这个推论,本文提出了翻译中的三个原则,并分析了它们与意译之间的关系。



  A large number of scholars have studied the translation of English movie titles in an all-sided and in-depth range. They respectively analyze the translation of English movie titles from different aspects, for example, the present situation of translation, the strategies and principles of   translation, and the procedure of translation. As SiGuo said that all these studies have made great achievements. Literal translation and free translation are often mentioned as a standard or principle in translation practice and translation teaching lessons, especially in translation of English movies titles. Many scholars assert the importance of literal translation. But the author takes free translation as the main strategy because a film title is something like advertisement by which the film producer tries to sell his product for the commercial success. Based on the deduction, the paper proposes for three principles in translation and analyses their relatedness with free translation.