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Abstract:Understatement is not only a kind of common linguistic phenomenon, but also a common rhetorical language means which is used to emphasis by means of understating and weakening one’s language. But instead of seemingly weakening the force of the language, there is a humorous effect that makes your language more acceptable to listen to. Business negotiations are essentially conducted through verbal communication of economic activities, their successes depend largely on the language properly used or not. In the course of negotiations, both sides try to use the exchange of appropriate language to express their demands so as to enable themselves to win certain advantages in conflict of interest. As far as the means of language expression in negotiations, understatement is undoubtedly the most common one. By analysing the impacts of understatements on business negotiations and problems occur during negotiations, this thesis aims to acquire a better understanding of the intricacy of understatement and seeks to provide suggestions on how to better use understatements in business negotiations. 

Key words: understatement; semanteme; face; business negotiation


中文摘要:低调陈述是一种常见的语言现象,也是语言中一种常用的修辞手段,指借用低调与弱 化语言形式来表示强调,貌似柔弱无力却反而可以增强语言的力度,还有一种幽默讽刺的效果,听来让对方更容易接受。商务谈判实质上是通过语言交流进行的经济活动,在其成功很大程度上取决于语言的运用得当与否。在谈判中,交流双方都试图利用适当的语言来表达自己的要求,使已方在利益冲突的方面占据一定的优势。就商务谈判中使用的语言表达手段而言,低调陈述无疑是其中比较为常见的一种。通过分析低调陈述对商务谈判的影响以及从不同角度探讨可能遇到的问题,本文试图更深入的理解低调陈述,从而对如何在商务谈判中使用低调陈述提出建议。

关键词:低调陈述; 语境; 面子;商务谈判