ABSTRACT:In Amy Tan’s novel of Asian-American immigrant experience and family life, The Joy Luck Club, one of the important themes is portrayed greatly the ideal of the American Dream. For Chinese mothers and American-born daughters in the novel they do not see eye to eye as to what American Dream alludes to them from a cultural perspective; hence there can be a lot of misunderstandings and breakdowns in their conversation. This paper is an attempt to observe and interpret to what degree each has fulfilled the American Dream, how the definition of the American Dream varies between generations and furthermore, how two generations see the light of hope and reach the point of reconciliation. On the backdrop of globalization, the American Dream helps promote communication and cooperation among different countries.
Key Words: Amy Tan; American Dream; hope; mother and daughter
摘要:在谭恩美讲述亚裔经历和家庭生活的小说《喜福会》中,“美国梦”的理想是着重描写的主题。小说中的中国母亲和在美国出生的女儿们对于“美国梦”所包含的文化隐喻意义彼此看法不一,因此在母女之间在交流上出现了误解和障碍。本文将分析和阐释母女在何种程度上实现了各自的“美国梦”, “美国梦”在两代人之间的不同含义以及两代人如何看到希望,最终和解。在全球化背景下,“美国梦”促进国际间的沟通与合作。
关键词:谭恩美; 美国梦; 希望; 母女