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Abstract:Since 1940s , the anxiety in foreign language oral class had been studied. And in 1980s, E.Horwitz and Tohn Cope indicated that the anxiety was the most obvious emotion during the processs of using foreign language. Anxiety is a physiological reaction and a psychological reaction. Recently, many scholars have done a lot of researches and analyses on the foreign language anxiety through the aspects of Pedagogy of Education and Psychology of Education. The anxiety in foreign language oral class has been difined in many aspects.

   In order to deal with such kind of problem, a lot of measuers have been figured out, for example, teaching environment improvement, etc.. Among all the measures, the cooperative learning is the most frequent way to overcome the foreign language anxiety. The cooperative learning requires the team-work, which is efficient for reducing the anxiety and improving the the acdemic performance. However, there are some disadvantages during operating the cooperative learning, which have some unsatisfied influence on the performance in the foreign language oral class.

   This article focuses on the improving measures of coopertative learning to help students to overcome the anxiety in the college oral English class.

Key Words:improve; cooperative learning; anxiety; college oral English class


摘要:早在20世纪40年代,人们开始对英语口语课堂的焦虑感进行研究。而在20世纪80年代,E.Horwitz和Tohn Cope指出人们在英语听和说过程中,会表现出的不同的反应,而在众多的反应当中,焦虑感尤为突出。他们的研究发现,焦虑感是一种生理反应,也是一种心理反应,而且还对学习者口语表达造成障碍。近年来,我国不少学者都纷纷对英语口语的焦虑感作出了研究。他们从心理学、教育学的角度对英语口语课堂焦虑感作出了新的阐述。现阶段,用于克服焦虑感的最常用方法是合作学习法。合作学习法可以通过人与人之间的合作,有效降低学习者的焦虑感,从而达到提高学习效率的目标。但是,合作学习法的措施还是有很多不尽人意之处。而这些缺陷可能无法减少学生的焦虑感。

