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As is known to all, interest is the best teacher. It is very important for English teachers to consciously cultivate students’ interest in learning in the  teaching process. This paper analyzes the current situation that some of the  primary school students are lack of interest in learning English teaching, and points out that it is one of the effective ways to improve the students’ learning interest by using the story teaching method in English teaching. This paper also discusses the characteristics and functions of story teaching method, and explores the applications of story teaching method to the English classes in primary schools for the purpose of improving the primary school students’ interest in English learning.


Keywords: story teaching; efficient study; primary school





1.Introduction1 2.Literature Review. 1

3. Different Kinds of Story Teaching Method. 3

3.1 Sandwich story teaching method. 3

3.2 Music story teaching method. 3

3.3 Story theme teaching method. 4

4. The Characteristics and Functions of Story Teaching 4

4.1 The characteristics of story teaching 4

4.2 The functions of story teaching.5 

5. Applications of Story Teaching Method to the English Classes in Primary Schools7

5.1 Accumulating English vocabulary by stories7

5.2 Accumulating the sentence patterns by stories 8

5.3 Training English listening by stories 8 

5.4 Training the spoken English by stories 9

5.5 Training the reading ability by stories. 10

5.6 Training the writing ability by stories 10 

6. Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12