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  • 更新时间:2017-10-20
  • 论文字数:5590
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  • 课题来源:(龚老师)提供原创文章




On August 21st , 2016, the authoress Hao Jingfang won the Novellas Award of the 74th Hugo Award by Beijing Zhedie. It was the second time for a Chinese work to win the Hugo Award after Santi and it marked the maturity of Chinese science fiction. However, there are not many people in the Chinese academia studying the Chinese-to-English translation of science fiction. And among the very few systematic studies, Professor Guo Jianzhong’s work is the most recognized one. He summarized three guiding principles for English-to-Chinese science fiction translation: it should retain the work’s literary value, the plain language and the science factor, and put forward several translations techniques. This thesis takes Beijing Zhedie as a case to analyze in detail about how to translate Chinese works into English according to those three principles.


Keywords: science fiction; Chinese-to-English translation; 

          Beijing Zhedie; translation principles and techniques





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the study-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Research on Science Fiction and science fiction translation-2

2.2 The development of Chinese fiction-3

3. The translation of Beijing Zhedie-5

3.1 Background Information-5

3.2 The translation criteria of Guo Jianzhong-7

3.3 Aesthetic Analysis of Beijing Zhedie by Guo’s principles-7

3.4 Translation Methods in Beijing Zhedie-11


Works Cited-13