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With the informatization of social life and the globalization of economy, the importance of English is more and more highlighted. And the impartible relationship between language and culture determines that the English teaching in junior high school is not only about the teaching of language points and literal knowledge, but also the spread of culture and the cultivation of cross-cultural communication awareness and competence. This thesis focuses on the necessity of cultural teaching and aims to find out the relationship between cultural teaching and English teaching according to the relationship between language and culture. Based on the characteristics of junior high school students, this thesis puts forward some relevant practical methods to help student to establish the awareness of internationalization and their competence of cross culture to develop their ability of intercultural communication.


Keywords: intercultural awareness; intercultural competence; English teaching; cultivation





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Significance of Cultivating Awareness and Competence of Intercultural Communication-2

3.1 Definition of intercultural awareness and compentence-3

3.2 Necessity of the cultivation of intercultural awareness-3

3.3 Request of the development of intercultural competence-4

4. Methods of Cultivating Intercultural Awareness-5

4.1 Searching for the relevant cultural background and information-5

4.2 Enlightening students the connotation of English words-7

5. Approaches of Developing Intercultural Competence-8

5.1 Exploring existing material enlightening the cultural knowledge-8

5.2 Designing the interactive point of cultural education-9

5.3 Inspiring students to maintain adequate cultural interest in learning-9

6. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-12