本文以中宁移动通信公司的客户为研究对象,建立了该公司的客户价值评价体系和客户价值矩阵,并按当前价值和潜在价值区分出四种客户类型。本文采用频率统计和最小二乘法方法,建立了客户当前价值临界值模型,并进一步采用遗传算法建立了用于衡量客户潜在价值的客户信用度和忠诚度预测模型。在此基础上,通过对客户行为细分的研究,建立了客户行为特征分组。在客户行为细分过程中,本文运用了SAS系统的“快速聚类”数据挖掘算法和客户行为特征评价法。最后,提出了基于客户价值和客户行为的客户“价值—行为”矩阵,并依此制定客户价值提升营销策略。在客户“价值—行为”分群过程中,采用了SAS分类方法。 本文的研究结果对于该公司的客户价值管理具有直接的指导作用,对于其它的移动通信运营商的客户关系管理具有一定的参考价值。
关键词 :中宁移动; 客户价值; 价值评价
Abstract:With the split of the former China Telecom, The top 3 Chinese mobile operators compete for the customer share under the government control. For a long time Shaanxi Mobile Communication Co. Ltd. only focuses on the enlargement of totalzhongning”s quantities while the Zhongning”s value promotion is ignored, which causes the ever-ending customer churn of the high value customers and the raising of mass low value customers. Thus, Shaanxi Mobile Communication Co. Ltd. has to encounter the dilemma of increasing quantities rather than profits. Facing with the emerging problems during development, it is key for the enterprise to do systematic research about the marketing strategy of customer value promotion, which can succeed in decreasing customer churn and enhance competitiveness.
Taking the customers of Shaanxi Mobile Communication Co. Ltd. as research object, the evaluation system of customer value as well as customer value matrix is established in this paper. In addition, the customers can be divided into four segments according to the current realized value and future potential value. Using frequency statistics and Least Square Method, the critical value model of the current realized value is founded. In the process of customer value segmentation, the FASTCLUS of SAS data mining algorithm and the evaluation method of customer behavior"s character are introduced in this paper.In the end, the customer value-behavior matrix based on the customer value and customer behavior is proposed, through which the strategy of enhancing customer value promotion can be made. In this process, the Categorical method of SAS is used.The research results can be taken as direct guidance for development of customer value management of Shaanxi Mobile Communication Co. Ltd., and can also be referenced by other mobile communication companies
Keywords: Zhongning movement; Customer value; Value assessme