关键词:招聘 歧视行为 风险 法律法规
ABSTRACT:As the Chinese economy booming in recent years,employment issues have gained extensive attentions and concerns from all around the society.More importantly among those issues is the issue of employment discrimination in some of the current companies have violated the open,fair and just principles the law requires.It not only negatively affects company’s economic benefits,bus also hurts the personal interests of employers,and may ever furthermore threatens the conc economy as a whole.
This paper combines methods of case study,literature research and empirical research, and analyzes the widespread discriminations in the employment process in our society, and studies the reason of its existence. When analyzes the risk of employment discriminations,the paper concludes that employment discriminations may possibly increase social problems and economic growth of the country and more importantly, to individual companies. Companies with employment discriminations
face the risks of losing cost, losing potential human resources and reputation. Consequently the paper takes into considerations of the situations in our countries with the citing of laws and regulations,in foreign count-vies, and provides readers with aversion strategies such as changing employment stereotypes,completing regulations,establishing necessary authorities, adjusting economy policies and boosting confidence in job-seekers. The goal of this paper is to encourage equal employment.
Keywords:employment;acts of discrimination;risk;laws and regulations