关键词:情景面试 招聘 结构化面试
ABSTRACT:In today's society, each big enterprise for talents has more and more intense,and the competition between job seekers also intensified , so the people fitness of their hillock, hillock lent their people, the people post match this principle is very important in the process of recruitment. With the development of the society, the employers always want to know the employee’s personnel occupation ability, the overall quality, oyalty and integrity. Therefore, in the interview, setting the scene has become a secret weapon and touchstone, and it made many job seekers 'true'. Situational interview as a special form of structured interview, which interview questions are mainly constituted by a series of hypothetical scenarios and to fully evaluate the ability of job seekers through the evaluation of job seekers in the reactions of these scenarios . The reliability and validity shown in the situational interview of the recruitment are are higher than the reliability and validity in the traditional unstructured interview, so so they gradually be more widely used in the corporate recruitment and selection personnel evaluation. According to some scholars of information, This paper makes a comprehensive research on situational interview. The article analyzed the introduction of situational interview and the history and development of the situational interview. It also analyses the application skills of situational interview and research the status of situational interviews in the companies ,the specific that the job seekers should have and the future development of situational interviews.
Keywords: Situational Interview, Recruitment, Structured Interview