摘 要:江苏沿海地区分布有占全国省市比例第一的滩涂,但不合理的滩涂资源开发使得沿海地区成为江苏经济的洼地,全国沿海经济发展的断层。在沿海大开发这个国家战略下,江苏省大力开发海洋资源,其中包括海洋旅游开发,海洋旅游的重点则是滩涂生态旅游。本文阐述了江苏海洋资源状况和发展海洋旅游的优势,并比较江苏海洋旅游与中国南部沿海旅游发展的异同;在阐述江苏目前滩涂生态旅游情况的基础上,分析了存在的问题和解决对策,并强调滩涂旅游开发与可持续发展并重。
关键词:江苏 海洋旅游 滩涂生态旅游 问题 对策
Abstract: There is the most extensive mudflat in the coastal area of Jiangsu Province. But this area became the most undeveloped region in Jiangsu Province and in China’s coastal area. Against the background of national strategy——Jiangsu costal development, Jiangsu aim to develop the marine resource, including marine tourism, and we should focus on the mudflat ecotourism. This article introduces the resource status and the advantages of developing marine tourism, compare to south costal in China. And it also introduces the present situation of mudflat ecotourism in Jiangsu, analyzes open questions and solutions, and emphasizes the sustainable development strategy in mudflat ecotourism.
Key words: Jiangsu; marine tourism; mudflat ecotourism; questions; solutions