关键词 洪泽湖湿地;品牌生态位;品牌生态位维度;品牌生态位策略
Abstract:With economic development and the improvement of people's quality of life, ecotourism is increasingly welcomed by visitors, followed by the competitive environment more intense. The face of such a competitive environment, how to work out the right strategy has important significance. This article is the use of brand nichetheory, closely analysis of the Hongze Lake Wetland brand nichedimension, It’s helpful for the Hongze Lake Wetland better understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, and to develop a reasonable brand nichestrategy.
The main subject of specific discussion of the Hongze Lake Wetland, eventually I put forward some suggestions about the the wetlands brand nichestrategy. Through this research, the following conclusions: 1) the Hongze Lake Wetland tourist attractions newly developed soon, facing intense competitive environment, there are still many deficiencies, such as lack of investment, mismanagement, brand awareness is not high; 2) Through the analysis of the Hongze Lake Wetland’s brand nichedimension, we can see the Hongze Lake Wetland advantage of niche including the natural ecology, and the tour patterns, the general niche includes the social environment,and the tour enterprises. The weak niche ,includes the local government and the brand development, etc.; 3) For the Hongze Lake is located in the advantage niche dimensions should be taken the optimization strategy. 4) For the Hongze Lake is located in the general niche dimension should be taken to enhance the strategy; 5) For the Hongze Lake is located in the disadvantage niche dimension should be taken the niche improvement strategy.
Keywords Hongze lake wetland Brand niche Brand niche dimension Brand niche strategy