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首先,准确定位,缝合企业理念与品牌形象,形成差异化竞争优势。锁定奇鸣洗衣粉的目标市场为20 岁—45 岁的中青年家庭主妇,并根据目标人群的需求和公司实际,把奇鸣品牌定位在“天然节能,首选奇鸣。”这个定位既承接了创新日化公司一贯倡导的绿色环保理念,又能够使奇鸣在众多以“去污、漂白”等功能定位的洗衣粉品牌中脱颖而出。而此前奇鸣强调的“神奇洁力,一鸣惊人”,并不能与竞争品牌形成有效识别,同时也与企业理念分离。重新定位后的奇鸣品牌个性为“值得信赖的纯天然节能洗衣专家”。品牌形象关键词:天然原料、不伤皮肤、洁净高效、节约用水。


第三,整合传播,媒体广告与主题活动相辅相成,提升品牌知名度与美誉度。围绕传播主题“天然节能”,融合理性诉求与感性诉求方式, 以“你我用心为明天”为创意点推出品牌形象广告,以“一样的去渍,不一样的源自天然” 为诉求点推出产品功能广告,通过电视、报纸、户外等媒体有效传达目标群体。策划“中秋佳节‘洗衣月饼’带回家”、“奇鸣杯精灵宝宝秀——我爱我家”、“9.14世界清洁地球日保护坏境”、“废旧电池回收”等系列主题活动,扩大奇鸣品牌知名度与影响力。

关键词 广告策划;品牌定位;品牌推广


Abstract:The program is Qi Ming detergent planning to the case, customer service, marketing communications in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Innovation Day Technology Co., Ltd. philosophy has always been. Through market research and analysis, it is found that the the Qi Ming detergent prominent problems encountered in marketing: the separation of corporate philosophy and brand positioning, sales channels evacuation, lack of media publicity. To this end, the program seeks to brand positioning, sales channels and brand communication three seek a key breakthrough:

First of all, accurate positioning, the suture corporate philosophy and brand image, the formation of differentiated competitive advantage. This position not only to undertake lock Qi Ming detergent target market for the 20-year-old -45 years old young and middle-aged housewives, and in accordance with the needs of the target population and the company's actual Qi Ming brand positioning in the natural energy-saving preferred odd-ming. innovation and date of the company has always advocated the concept of green, but also to Qi Ming apart in many decontamination, bleaching "detergent brand positioning. And Qi Ming had stressed "magical cleaning power, blockbuster, and can not be formed with competing brands effectively identify, also separated with the corporate philosophy. Qi Ming repositioned brand personality "trusted natural energy-saving laundry experts. Brand Keywords: natural raw materials, not to hurt the skin, clean and efficient, use less water.

Second, a solid channels point to an area, radiation Xuzhou and the Huaihai economic zone. Urban planning in the city and the outskirts of Xuzhou passes through, Quo, large promise the Zheng set and Shuang'gou, set up a designated sales through supermarkets, retail stores, the Internet and other channels in-depth urban communities, rural communities, and the formation of scale growth markets.

Third, the integration of communication, media advertising and theme activities complement each other to enhance the brand awareness and reputation. Around the theme of the spread of "natural energy", the integration of rational appeals and emotional appeals, "I was careful for tomorrow" launched as a creative point of brand image advertising, not the same as scouring, from natural "for the demands of points introduced product features advertising through television, newspapers, outdoor and other media effectively convey the target group. Planning "the Mid-Autumn Festival 'laundry moon cake' to take home," Qi Ming cup Wizard baby show - I love my family "," 9.14 Clean Up the World Earth Day Protection bad environment "," waste battery recycling "series of theme activities, expansion of odd Ming brand visibility and influence.

Keywords advertising planning brand positioning branding