关键词:重庆 长江上游 金融中心
ABSTRACT:Finance, as the core of the modern market economy, plays a very important role in regional economic development. Chongqing, as the only municipality directly under the central government in western region, it is also the western is the most important regional economic center city,its economic development will play a very important to the entire Midwest pull role. To build the upper Yangtze river financial center is the chongqing economic work of the important goals of the 12th five-year period. This topic around chongqing this goal, analyzes the present situation of economic development of Chongqing, the advantages and disadvantages analysis chongqing upstream financial center building, to tease out the obstacle factors of Chongqing financial center development, finally put forward to accelerate the development of Chongqing financial center, policy recommendations.
Keyword: Chongqing;the upper Yangtze river;financial center
通过本文的研究得知,第一,重庆构建长江上游金融中心的条件已经成熟。第二 ,重庆打造长江上游金融中心面临很多挑战,与成为金融中心的目标还有很大的差距,比如经济发展水平还不够,金融方面的发展也不健全,最重要的是周边城市也在准备打造金融中心,这又分散了我们的资源。第三,国内外金融中心的发展经验告诉我们,打造区域性的金融中心离不开当地经济发展的支持、政策的支持、周边城市的合作以及充足的人力保障。