关键词 财务报表;核心企业;供应链金融
Abstract:The difficulties and high cost of financing and the low financing efficiency,have been the main problems to restrict the development of China's enterprises.
As a kind of finance innovation,supply chain finance has gradually caused the attention of people. The main body in the financial system supply chain, generally includes the following four categories: (1) financial demand subject, namely, production and sales enterprises in the supply chain; (2) the financial supply of the body, mainly commercial Banks and financial companies, some countries also including development Banks; (3) the type of supply chain finance business support organizations, such as the logistics companies, warehousing companies, real rights for security registration institutions, insurance companies, etc.; (4) regulators, in China, mainly refers to all levels of the China banking regulatory commission. This article mainly discusses from the dynamic angle of core enterprise, the capital demand of main body, take Jiangsu Sainty international group as an example, through its financial statements from the aspects of accounts receivable related indicators to analyze how to make full use of the supply chain financial innovation to realize its own financing needs better.
Keywords The financial statements The core enterprise Supply chain finance