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  • 更新时间:2014-07-02
  • 论文字数:12398
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  • 课题来源:(飞舞的丝带)提供原创文章


摘 要:本文首先介绍了课题研究的背景、意义以及六西格玛方法在国内外的研究现状,阐明了三网融合背景下报业集团改革的急迫性;其次对于六西格玛这一新兴质量管理理念的内涵、经济意义、改进模式等做了简要介绍;再次,本文重点研究了我国报业集团中的龙头企业南方报业传媒集团的管理模式和工作流程,并给出了相应的改进方案和具体实施步骤。由于这一过程属于一个比较庞大的系统工程,因此本文选择了一个比较小的切入点——以南方报业传媒集团中的王牌报纸《南方周末》为例,在整个案例分析过程中本文选择了整个新闻产品中比较容易制定量化标准的校对过程,通过数据分析、举例说明、图表对比、样本分析等论证方法尝试探讨《南方周末》引入六西格玛管理法的可行性;最终本文对这一课题进行了正反评析并对其研究前景作出了合理展望。




ABSTRACT:Firstly, this essay introduces the background and meaning of this issue research and the research situation over home and abroad. It clarifies the improvement urgency of Newspaper Group in the context of integration of three networks. Secondly, it recommends the import and economic meaning and the methods to improve of Six Sigma method which is a new popular idea quality management. Then I put the emphasis on the management method and work process of Southern Newspaper Media Group which is the best one in China. Meantime I provide the relevant program and concrete measures. This essay chose a less narrow point because this issue is a large systematic engineering. Through the whole process of analyzing case, this essay chose the easiest process to quantify in the whole news production. I have also made a case analysis on Southern Weekend which is a well-known newspaper belongs to Southern Newspaper Media Group as an example. I would like to discuss the feasibility to bring in Six Sigma and analyze its specific circumstance by studying data and scanning materials. Finally, I try to evaluate and analyze this issue on two sides and look into the reasonable distance to the study prospect.  

   Though this essay is based on method research and fact analysis, the project belongs to the single case because of the limitation of time and condition. It doesn’t have a wide content and it remains to need to improve in many respects. 

Keywords:  Six sigma; Southern Newspaper Media Group; Going for perfect; improve process