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  • 更新时间:2014-07-10
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摘要:金融危机的来临使全球资金流动出现变化,也对我国吸收及利用外资产生影响。由于政策和相关法律等仍存在着缺陷,中国在利用外资时遇到不少问题。遇到问题、分析其原因并找出对策,这是解决问题的必经之道,也是中国利用外资的成长之道。本文通过研究金融危机后中国利用外资的现状 ,剖析遇到的问题--随着政策的高度开放,外资造成中国经济方面和环境方面的问题,外资投资的不合理及外资企业管理问题的日益显现,分析问题产生的原因并作出战略选择。

关键词:金融危机 利用外资 外商直接投资 制度不完善


Abstract: The financial crisis have changed global flow of capital, at the same time it also effect the absorbing and using foreign capital of my country .Owing to there are many defects among Chinese policies and the related laws are not all-around ,Chinese government is facing many problems when using foreign capital. Having problems, analyzing the causes and identifying countermeasures, which is a necessary way to solve the problem ,and it is the road to growth .This paper studied China's utilization of foreign investment status quo after the financial crisis, parse the encountered problems that with the high degree of openness of the policy, many of China's economic and environmental problems caused by foreign, the irrational of foreign investment and the management issues of foreign enterprises become increasingly obvious, so we should find out the reasons for the problem and make strategic choices .

Keywords: Financial crisis; Utilization of foreign capital; Foreign Direct Investment; Imperfect system