摘要:从改革开放以来,我国城乡居民之间的收入差距逐渐拉大,主要表现在城乡居民之间的人均收入、基尼系数以及消费水平等方面。 城乡居民之间收入差距扩大的原因有很多,主要有二元结构、工农业不同的特性、国家政策等原因,造成了城乡居民收入差距不断的扩大。本文针对上述收入差距存在的原因,提出了打破二元结构,促进城乡统筹发展、提高农业的财政补贴等对策。
关键字 城乡居民收入差距, 基尼系数, 现状, 原因分析, 对策
ABSTRACT:From 1978 to 1978, our country urban and rural residents per capita income, the gini coefficient or consumption level their gap is more and more big, in particular, rural income to become the focus of economic work. Widening income gap between urban and rural residents or the cause of many factors, in order to solve this problem, there is a certain difficulty, although the government has taken many measures, but no significant effect. Urban and rural residents income gap is meeting aggravate the social order of chaos, is not conducive to the stability of society, in order to narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents, and based on the dual structure between urban and rural areas, agriculture and industry characteristics of the different, national policy analysis of the income gap between urban and rural areas in China and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to narrow the gap between the income of urban and rural residents.
Key Words The income gap between urban and rural areas Gini Coefficient Current situation Factors Countermeasure