摘要:文章阐述了可编程控制器PLC在电梯控制及交通信号灯控制中的应用。主要介绍了6层电梯的PLC控制系统总体设计方案、设计过程、组成, 列出了具体的主要硬件电路、电梯的控制梯形图及指令表。并给出了系统组成框图和程序流程图,在分析、处理随机信号逻辑关系的基础上,提出了PLC的编程方法。
关键字:PLC 电梯控制 程序设计 梯形图
Abstract:The operating principle of the elevator controlling system based on a PLC is introduced in the paper. The principal aim of this paper is to introduce the designing plan and composition of the 6-floor elevator’s PLC controlling system. Also expounds the design precess of hardware and software about PLC controls elevator, giving us specific ladder diagrams .The system composition block diagram and program flow of charts are presented. After analyzing and processing the logical relationship of stochastic signal, the way of PLC program is put forward.
Keywords: PLC elevator controlling program design ladder diagram