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摘要:新时代小说从大红大紫到平淡无奇,从社会中心沦落到商品大潮的边边角角,其中起伏,让人高兴,也使人忧虑。然而,在饱受轰动与倍受冷落后,众人皆醉我独醒的人格力量与清醒的人学意识,逐渐在文学中日愈体现。从民族生活的里层, 关心人的存在,人的命运, 以至人的未来, 已成为文学的基本走向与坚实的信念。无论外界喧哗与变幻, 文学自有文学的步伐—“人”的步伐。高尔基说:文学即人学。这是一句为作家与批评家熟透了的警语。在我国新时期以来,小说家与批评家, 在经历了许多次的“反思”与“探索”之后,开始把“人”推到文学的中心地位, 本文就新时期以来的小说中的任务创作的各个时期的特点为对象研究新时期的作家们创作习性与社会环境。



abstract:New era novel from Rounds to bland, from the center of the social reduced to commodity tide of the corners, ups and downs, people happy, but also worrying. However, after suffering a sensation and Beishoulengluo many drunk and I alone am sober strength of character and sober people Consciousness gradually more reflected in literature date. Concerned about the presence of people from the inner layer of the national life, the fate of the people, as well as the future has become the basic trend of literature and solid faith. Regardless of external noise changes, literature own pace - the pace of the literature. Gorky said: literature that people learn. This is an author and critic ripe warnings. In our country since the new period, the novelist and critic, many times "reflection" and "Exploration - began to" push to the central position of the literature, the task of this paper, a novel since the New creation period was characterized by the creation of the object research new era writers habits and social environment.

Key words:Novels of the New Period,Character Creation,Works with the times Contact